Piano lessons in Scottsdale, Arizona | 602.793.7459


When is the best age to begin piano lessons?

For private study, Ursula can teach most students from age four. Ursula is very skilled at keeping the students attention, through changeable fun activities that she received through special training at Columbia University, NY. If you can make it fun, you have their attention!

Is it ever too late to begin piano study?

It is never too late. Ursula teaches all ages. She can have you reading notes and playing short pieces within the first lesson. The time is now. Time goes by no matter what you do, so why don't you scratch piano off your bucket list and learn to play piano like you have always wanted.

Does it matter what kind of piano I have at home?

Buy the nicest piano you can afford. However, if you are hesitant about investing in an activity that you are just beginning, talk to the Arizona Piano Gallery in Scottsdale and you can rent a piano or buy an inexpensive keyboard to begin. The important thing is to just begin, and make the call to Ursula to fulfill your dream of learning to play the piano. Ursula will help you decide if you have questions on any piano purchases.

How often should I practice?

Try to practice every day. It is more important to practice just 15 minutes every day than it is to practice for two hours only once a week. Try it sometime, and you will see the difference. Our mind remembers what we do on a daily basis.

If I haven't practiced should I show up for the lesson?

Of course, because Ursula will teach you how to practice efficiently during the lesson. Most students are never taught how to practice properly. It is after they come to Ursula that they realize they can get more accomplished in a shorter practice time then how they were previously taught.

Should I come to lessons if I broke my arm or hurt my hand?

Of course, because students can work on the other hand, which is just as important as the hand that is injured. Students can focus more on the hand that they can play. When their hand heals up, and the other hand needs to be learned, the new piece isn't as overwhelming. Ursula also uses these lessons to advance more with music theory because no playing of the keys is involved.

What if my child wants to quit?

Ask them why. Do they like the teacher? Are they playing songs that they enjoy? Are they too overwhelmed with other school or social activities? Are they in too many teamed sports or dance classes? You have to evaluate your child during this period of question. Most students will work through this phase. It is important that you encourage them by listening to them practice, compliment their progress, and most importantly schedule a specific time to practice. Students who do not have a set time to practice often push practicing aside because they are so overwhelmed with school commitments. They need to practice right after school, before their homework. If they begin their homework first, they will be too tired to practice later in the evening. It is up to the parent to provide the structure and encouragement for the child to learn.

Should my child take lessons in the summer?

Students have more time to practice in the summer and are less stressed with homework and after school activities. Even if your family is going out of town for a couple of weeks or a month, try to double up on lessons so your child can at least maintain their progress.

What about piano competitions?

Ursula has had numerous gold medal winners in local piano competitions. However, it is more important to focus on the joy of learning to play the piano than winning a competition.

Does learning to play the piano help my child in school?

Yes. Students learn concepts, identify patterns, listen to directions, follow directions, concentrate, build confidence and self esteem, think with the left and right brain at the same time, and get one on one attention - just to name a few!